Monday, June 18, 2007

Rekomendasi #2

Yogyakarta, 5 January 2007
To whom it may concern,
I have known Nunuk Ambarwati since the 1990s in various activities of art and culture in general. Nunuk used to work for the Cemeti Art Foundation, and now works for the Jogja Gallery based in Yogyakarta. As far as I know she has well managed not only in handling art exhibitions, but also in organizing art events which included many people from different backgrounds, local and expatriate artists, as well as institutions.
From my observation on her achievements and attitudes I would say that she is indeed a professionally hard worker, who always pursue excellent goals. She works efficiently, effectively, and punctually. In dealing with documents and information she handles systematically. Another good aspect of Nunuk’s competency is that she is patient enough in organizing or coordinating works that deal with artists many of who are very individualistic and eccentric. I have seen in many occasions that Nunuk has managed to implement solutions that come from heart.
Other credible points of Nunuk are the facts that she has skills required for a modern professional manager / organizer, those are mastering digitally recording equipment as well as taking advantes of recent electronic media. Nunuk has useful and good documentations of art events, and of and ethnic and contemporary works of art.
Nunuk studied Communication at a significant university in her home city, that is the University of Gadjah Mada. She was born of a family who respect Javanese culture, namely Javanese dance, and lives in an area where live dwellers having traditional cultural relationship with the Sultanate Palace of Yogyakarta. She happens to be a Javanese dancer, therefore she has developed empathetic sense in approaching artists.
Based from what I know I highly recommend Nunuk Ambarwati to receive a chance for international internship organized by Yayasan Kelola.
I can be connected any time to give more explanation or details about Nunuk Ambarwati should Yayasan Kelola need more.
Yours Sincerely,
M. Dwi Marianto

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